Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why Vegan

Our decision to become vegan was a natural progression from becoming vegetarian 2 years ago. About 7 month after eliminating any animal flesh (yes, this does include chicken and fish - lol) we both started feeling slightly hypocritical. We were still supporting two of the cruelest factory farming industries by consuming dairy products, in such products as icecream, chocolate, yoghurt and cheese; and by eating eggs.

We made the decision to use what was in our pantry and refrigerator until it ran out then never to restock the guilty products again. I think cheese was the hardest one to eliminate and the food most missed - for a short time. This seems to be a fairly common occurence in the vegan world, there just doesnt seem to be an awesome strong cheddar alternative, but one thing has become clear. Pizzas taste AWESOME without the cheese. You can actually taste the vegetables on the base and not this fatty, slimy, oily substance that looks and tastes more like rubber.

We are now well into our second year of being vegan, and know in our hearts that we have made the right decision. Our entire lifestyle now revolves around our ethical and environmental views. It is a slow process but one that is neverending and a work in progress. One day we would love nothing better than to be totally self sufficient, living off our own vegetables and solar power on hundreds of acres, while maintaining an animal sactuary for discarded or mistreated creatures.

This dream will happen one day. Maybe not tomorrow but it is our goal and a worthy one to work towards. Until then we will strive to be the best people we can, make as little impact on our environment as possible and love the animals we share this planet with.

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